- On Monday we are having our class party! Students are allowed to bring a stuffy and a pillow so that they can watch a movie more comfortably in the afternoon. We took a vote on which movie to watch and we decided on the movie Rio. We will be having chips during the movie and a Fudgsicle treat afterwards (ingredient list was sent home today).
- On Tuesday afternoon the Grade Ones are going to go join the Grade One class. They will be having cheese pizza (one slice) from Panago, cut up fruit, chips and a juice box. Then they will have an opportunity to spend time together.
- On Tuesday afternoon the Grade twos will have cheese pizza from Panago (one slice). You may want to send more lunch, for those hungry eaters. Then they will be meeting up with the Grade two class for an activity.
- Wednesday is our last day of school! We will have Mass, followed by an assembly. There will be some awards given out as well as the year end slideshow. If you would like to come join us you are more than welcome to attend. Dismissal is at 11:00am
Friday, 24 June 2016
Next week
Friday, 17 June 2016
We are heading to the Abbey on Monday! I sent home a notice today that contained information about the schedule for the day and on the back a list of rides. Sorry for the teeny tiny font! Here are a few quick reminders;
- Bring a booster seat. Your child will not be able to go if they do not have one.
- Please make sure they are prepared for the weather (rainjacket, hat sunscreen) and in full uniform.
- Please have them bring a lunch and a rosary, if they have one. We have many rosaries in the classroom that we can bring as well.
- Please make sure you are here before the bell. I will let students in starting at 8:40 and we will be leaving promptly at 8:50 (hopefully).
Have a great weekend and Happy Father's Day!
Mrs. Schock
Monday, 13 June 2016
Week 38
Weekly Reminders:
- We are going to the Abbey on Monday, June 20th. I sent home a permission slip today, so please send them in by Wednesday. I will let you know who your child is driving with by the end of this week. A big thank you to all the parents who volunteered to drive!
- No more spelling! We are finished!
- Please send in any Little Books (Grade 1), or Library books as we are now collecting all of them. Thank you!
- Wednesday is Step Up Day. This is a chance for the students to meet for an hour with their potential teacher for next year.
- Friday is Fun Day. There is a noon dismissal on this day.
- Also if you are interested, there is the CCS Parent Night Out on Friday night. You can find more information on the website.
Weekly Work:
- We are finishing up working on a special project for a certain someone.
- We are also working on finishing up I Am A Gift From God unit. Thank you to the Grade one parents for putting so much extra work into this! I did send it home again today (Grade 1), to complete Parent lesson 5 and complete page 10. Please send it back on Wednesday.
Thursday, 9 June 2016
The Abbey
This is a last call for parent drivers for June 20th. Currently we only have 3 parents willing to drive, and so we won't be able to go if we can't find some more. Thank you!
Monday, 6 June 2016
Week 37
Weekly Reminders:
- Tomorrow is a non-uniform day (Sudan colours). Students should bring in $1 to raise money for a library in Sudan. There was a notice sent home today.
- Tomorrow is also the Dress Rehearsal for the Talent Show. Please send your child with their costume and any props that they need.
- Wednesday is $1 popcorn day
- Wednesday is also Hot Lunch
- Friday is the Volunteer Appreciation Tea, which will start right after Mass. At 11:00 the Talent Show will start.
- Spelling Grade 1: jaw, law, claw, draw, straw, stall, thaw, flaw, small, shawl
- Spelling Grade 2: wash, swat, wasp, stalk, walk, salt, calm, swap, bald, chalk
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Week 36
Weekly Reminders:
- Currently we do not have enough parents who are able to drive on June 20th. Are there any other parents available on this day? If you are, please email me. Thank you!
- A Fun Day notice was sent home today with the oldest student
- I believe there is one week left for the Shopping Card Challenge. If you would like to, you may purchase them after Mass. For more information, look on the announcements page.
Weekly Work:
- I sent the Grade one "I Am a Gift From God" book home again. Please complete the next parent lesson and have them finish page 6. If you could send it by Thursday, that would be great. If you are unable to complete it, please send it back anyways! Thank you!
- Grade two students will be taking their I Am a Gift From Good book home tomorrow. Please look for it and complete page 9 with them.
- We are working on graphing and data in the classroom. We are working on coming up with good questions to ask in a survey and what types of questions we can ask to analyze/compare the data.
- Grade 1; fight, light, might, sight, bright, fright, knight, write, site, right
- Grade 2: edge, badge, fudge, bridge, pledge, age, charge, change, range, plunge
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Week 35
Weekly Reminders:
- The grade 2 class and their buddy classes (5/6 & 7) are hoping to go on a Field trip to the Abbey in Mission on June 20th. Before we are able to do this we are trying to find out how many parents we would have available on that day to drive us (we won't be taking a bus), and who would be able to commit to the full day. We would leave the school at 9 and come back by 3. If you are able to commit to this day, please email me!
- The I am A Gift From God program is in full swing this week. I sent Parent Lesson Two home for the grade ones today. If you are unable to complete it by Friday, please just send it back so we can do the work in class. The Grade two students will be asked to complete the first parent lesson tomorrow night, with it being due back on Tuesday (due to the Pro-d Day on Monday). Thank you for all your support, I know it can be a lot, especially for the Grade one parents!
- A Reminder that there is a PRO-D Day on Monday
- Grade 1: book, nook, took, look, cook, brook, crook, shook, cookie, mistook
- Grade 2: vow, now, brow, chow, plow, clown, couch, mouth, ground, found
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Rodeo Day Tomorrow
I forgot to remind the kids that it is a Rodeo theme dress up day tomorrow. Students can come as a cowgirl or cowboy. See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Spelling words
Grade 1: moon, noon, soon, coon, croon, balloon, cocoon, sooner, blew, chew
Grade 2: claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, straw, awful, crawl, pause, also, always
Grade 2: claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, straw, awful, crawl, pause, also, always
Monday, 16 May 2016
Week 34
Thank you to all the volunteers that came today! We had a great time at the Aquarium!
Weekly Reminders:
Weekly Reminders:
- Wednesday is the CCS track meet 12-4
- (a note from Mr K. )On Friday Mr. Klaponski gave out notices telling grade two athletes if they would need to continue training with the track team Tuesdays and Thursdays. If the notice was yellow then they would no longer be training. He thanked them for working so hard at all the practices. Grade twos who have been participating at track and field practice Tuesdays and Thursdays in the month of April to this week are permitted to attend the CCS track meet on Wednesday. Come one come all to cheer them on.
- Thursday is a Rodeo dress up theme day in celebration of the Cloverdale Rodeo
- We will do spelling tomorrow in the classroom and I will post the words then

Friday, 13 May 2016
Monday is our Field trip! We are all very excited to go to the
Aquarium. Here are some reminders for the day.
We are leaving at 9:00 am sharp.
Please make sure your child is on time on this day. I will
start bringing the children in at 8:45
to start getting ready. We are leaving the Aquarium at 1:30 to make our
way back to CCS.
Students must wear their full uniform.
Please back a disposable lunch for
your child in a throw away bag. This way we don’t have
to carry our lunches around all day.
Students may bring $5 for spending
money. This may be spent at the gift shop, not on food.
Monday, 9 May 2016
Week 33
Weekly Reminders:
- Hot lunch Wednesday
- The Annual General Meeting is taking place this Thursday at 7pm.
- Scholastic due Friday
- The Grade 2 students received a disc with the First Communion pictures on them today. Please check your child's bag.
- Grade 1: boat, moat, bloat, float, gloat, throat, afloat, raincoat, tugboat, rowboat
- Grade 2: out, scout, shout, snout, sprout, about, pouting, outlaw, without, outside
Monday, 2 May 2016
Week 32
Weekly Reminders:
- Wednesday is the Crowning of Mary Assembly. Our class as well as Sister's Grade 2 class will be leading this assembly in the Church at 1:30. Grade 2 students who still have their First Communion outfits are allowed to wear this on Wednesday. Students who do not have a First Communion outfit or who are in Grade 1 are allowed to wear dress clothes on that day (dresses, or nice pants and shirt). Students may decide to bring it with them and change at lunch or can wear it the whole day. Also each child in the school has been asked to bring one flower to offer to Mary on this day. Please do not send a whole bouquet as it quickly adds up!
- Friday is the Grade One Mother's Day Tea. This will be at 10 am in the Columbus Room at the Parish Center.
- Please send in any Permission slips for the Aquarium, especially if you would like to volunteer. I would like to contact all the parents for supervising this week.
- Also a heads up that the 2nd extra Pro-D Day that was mandated by the government, due to the implementation of the new curriculum for next year, has been scheduled. It will be on Monday, May 30th.
Weekly Work:
- Grade 1: boom, doom, loom, room, bloom, gloom, broom, groom, bedroom, gloomy
- Grade 2: boil, coil, foil, soil, toil, broil, spoil, tinfoil, turmoil, topsoil
- In Math we continue to have mixed adding and subtracting practice each day (regrouping and no regrouping) . This week in our geometry we are sorting how 3d objects move (roll, slide, stack) and are also counting vertices and edges.
- During writing time, we are all working on researching an animal. We have four questions that we are trying to answer and each child is reading books and writing down facts to answer those questions. Next week we will start to put our facts into paragraphs.
- We have also been talking about how to make nouns into plurals (when to add s or es) and how to add ed/ing endings to verbs
- We are also busy preparing for the assembly on Wednesday, Friday's Tea and a secret project.
Monday, 25 April 2016
Week 31
Weekly Reminders:
- Congratulations to all the Grade twos who received the Eucharist for the very first time. You were all so reverent and respectful!
- Please send in any edu-pac forms or field trip forms
- The talent show sign up is this week. Please discuss with your child if they would like to participate. A notice about the talent show was sent home last week.
- Wednesday we have a popcorn sale. Bags are $1 each.
- Friday is a Pro-D Day. No school for the students
Weekly Work:
- Grade 1 - beat, heat, meat, bleat, cleat, treat, cheat, wheat, defeat, eaten
- Grade 2 - blink, drink, clink, chink, shrink, stink, think, sprinkle, slinky, twinkle
Monday, 18 April 2016
Week 30
Weekly Reminders:
- If you would like to order a First Communion Class picture, please send in your order form
- Friday, Grade two students will be going to Confession. Please help them practice at home.
- Sunday is First Communion! Please make sure you are at the Parish Center by 1pm. We will be taking pictures at 1:15. I did tell the Grade twos they should practice for receiving on the tongue by looking in the mirror. A little bit silly, but it may help them!
Weekly Work:
- Grade 1: bee, flee, free, tree, knee, three, spree, agree, team, bean
- Grade 2: bold, gold, scold, colder, folded, molding, oldest, golden, won't, I'll
- In Math, we are finishing up shapes with the Grade ones, and all of us will be working on 3d objects. We are still working on subtraction strategies for the Grade ones and the Grade twos are still working on subtraction with regrouping.
- We have picked an animal to write about and are starting our research in class!
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Week 29
Weekly Reminders:
Weekly Work:
- Tomorrow is a non-uniform day. Students are allowed to dress up in a colour to represent an emotion. I told students not to worry too much about which colour, as we know that our emotions can change throughout the day.
- Hot Lunch tomorrow
- There was some confusion about a colouring contest that was sent home yesterday. This is an optional contest that the children can choose to participate in or not. If they would like to complete this activity, it is due tomorrow.
- Please, please, please check your child's sweaters that are coming home. We are missing some and I know that with the warm weather we had in the last weeks it is so easy to take home the wrong sweater.
- Grade 2 students receiving their First Communion on the 24th, will be asked to go to the Sacrament of Confession before this date. Thankfully we are able to do this as a class on Friday, April 22 in the afternoon. We will practice a few times this week to remind them and I will also send home the sheet again, so they can also practice at home.
- On Friday, the Grade one students received a Mother's Day tea invitation. Please send in your RVSP as soon as possible. This a K/1 event that is held every other year and so the current grade 2 class were able to participate in this in K.
- Thank you to all those who have been purchasing gift cards after Mass! It really helps our school!
Weekly Work:
- Grade 1: gain, main, pain, brain, chain, plain, sprain, cane, snake, hay
- Grade 2: dew, few, pew, blew, chew, screw, threw, knew, through, slough
- We practiced how to receive First Communion on the tongue today (which they will be doing at their First Communion). We will learn how to receive on the hands as well, so that you as a family can make a decision about how they will receive in the future.
- We (Gr. 2, and some Gr. 1's ready for the challenge) have been working on our double digit subtraction and we are all getting so close to understanding. By the end of the week, I will be sending some worksheets home for those who need a little extra help. The Grade ones have been working on using doubles for subtraction.
- We are still talking about classification of animals, and will start talking about our next question. How do animals grow?
- In writing, we are learning about how author's write non-fiction books. Currently we are looking at a variety of information books to see how author's organize their work. Students have brainstormed an idea and have thought about titles they would include in a Table of Contents. Soon we will all be gathering information on an animal to write our own non-fiction book.
Monday, 4 April 2016
Week 28
Weekly Reminders:
- Scholastic orders are due Thursday if you would like to purchase any
- Please send in Lenten offering boxes if you have done this with your child.
- Please check your child's sweaters. We are missing a few and would like them to return to their owner.
- For First Communion parents: you may send in your First Communion class picture order form to the classroom to be given to the photographer
Weekly Work:
- Grade 1: pay, day, clay, gray, play, pray, stay, spray, away, today
- Grade 2: bank, rank, sank, blank, drank, thank, prank, banker, blanket, cranky
- We are continuing with double digit subtraction for the Grade twos. We are using manipulatives to help us understand the concept. The Grade ones are working on their subtraction strategies to help them with subtracting bigger numbers.
- As a whole class we are also starting our geometry unit. Today we worked on identifying shapes and counting the amount of sides and vertices they have.
- We are now starting our new science unit on animals. We will be learning more about how they change and grow.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Week 27
Happy Easter!
Weekly Reminders:
Weekly Reminders:
- Wednesday, Christian Servers are selling popcorn for $1 a bag
- Tomorrow is also Hot Lunch
- This Saturday is the Grade 2 Retreat. We will be meeting at the Church at 9:00 am for Mass. We should be finished by noon.
- The Knights of Columbus are starting another round of the CCS Shopping Card Challenge. It starts this weekend and goes until June 5th. You may make your gift card purchases after Mass.
Weekly Work:
- Grade 1 Spelling: bone, cone, zone, tone, lone, drone, phone, stone, throne, alone
- Grade 2 Spelling: light, night, right, knight, plight, slight, fright, delightful, skylight, frightened
- In Religion this week we will be continuing the celebration of Easter! The Grade two students are also focused on learning more about the Mass. The Grade one students will be focusing on Baptism this week.
- In Math, we will continue with our subtraction focus. Students are also learning some new math games to continue reviewing double digit addition.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Week 26
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break!
Weekly Reminders:
Weekly Reminders:
- Spelling test on Thursday
- No school on Good Friday or Easter Monday
- Next Saturday, April 2nd is the Grade 2 First Communion Retreat. It will be from 9-noon. Please let me know if you will be unable to attend.
Weekly Work:
- Grade 1: kite, site, bite, white, write, quite, sprite, spite, night, light
- Grade 2: bow, row, show, know, snow, grow, below, borrow, pillow, thrown
- It's Holy Week! We will reading many stories of the events of this important week. On Wednesday the Grade seven class will be leading us in the Stations of the Cross
- We are reviewing our subtraction strategies this week and will be moving on to double digit subtraction with regrouping (at least for the Grade 2 students).
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Week 23
Weekly Reminders:
- We are going skating on Thursday! Once again we will be leaving the school at 9:45 to make our way over to the skating arena. Thank you to all those who were able to volunteer to come with us.
- Food Bank Mass on Friday
- Reports Cards are coming home on Friday!
- Spring Break for two weeks. We are back on March 21st.
- Spelling words:
- Grade 1: dime, lime, mime, time, slime, crime, grime, prime, chime, bedtime
- Grade 2: fail, hail, rail, frail, grail, quail, snail, trail, ailment, detail
Monday, 22 February 2016
Week 22
Weekly Reminders:
- Hot Lunch Wednesday
- Spelling test on Thursday
- Student-led conferences on Thursday evening and Friday morning. If you did not get your time for this, please let me know and I will send the time to you.
- No School Friday
Weekly Work:
- Spelling Grade 1: hide, ride, side, tide, wide, glide, slide, bride, stride, pride
- Spelling Grade 2: gain, main, brain, chain, drain, stain, Spain (this word needs a uppercase letter in order to be correct), train, explain, complain
- In Science we are finishing up learning about erosion. We have looked at how wind and water affect soil.
- We are using the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd materials to teach about the Mass. First we learned about the different Articles of the Mass and are now moving on to learn some of the important gestures and prayers we see and hear at Mass. Here is a picture of some of the materials we use during a lesson.
Monday, 15 February 2016
Week 21
Weekly Reminders:
Grade 1: bale, gale, male, pale, sale, tale, scale, whale, stale, female
Grade 2: bleed, creed, freed, greed, speed, steed, agreed, greedy, speedy, needle
- Thank you for all the Valentine's treats! I know all of us adults in the Grade 1/2 room always feel so blessed by your generosity.
- Tomorrow students are reciting their poem to the class. I am excited to hear them!
- This Wednesday is Hot Lunch (due to Ash Wednesday last week) and Hot Lunch next Wednesday as well.
- Re-registration sheets (blue) are due on Thursday. Please make sure to attach the re-registration fee as well.
- We are going skating on Thursday! For all our skating volunteers we will be leaving at 9:45 am, to walk over to the Cloverdale Arena. That will give us plenty of time to get over there and do up skates for our 10:30 start time. Thank you to all those who were able to volunteer to walk us over, we look forward to seeing you!
- This Saturday is the CCS Fundraising Gala!
- Also remember next Thursday (25) and Friday (26) are student-led conferences, so there will not be a normal day of school next Friday.
Grade 1: bale, gale, male, pale, sale, tale, scale, whale, stale, female
Grade 2: bleed, creed, freed, greed, speed, steed, agreed, greedy, speedy, needle
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Week 20
Weekly Reminders:
- Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. We will be attending Mass in the morning. Today we talked about how adults are asked to fast tomorrow and how it would be good to not bring treats or meat as a sacrifice.
- Friday is our Valentine celebration day and it will be a non-uniform day (Red & White). I sent home a class list for students to create Valentines for everyone. Since it is during Lent this year, I am asking that parents do not send in any cupcakes or cookies. If you would like to add any small treats that could be saved ( for kids who are giving up candy) then that would be great.
- Next week on Monday, we will be doing our Bible Reading presentations in class. Tuesday will be our poetry recitation. If your child hasn't started practicing, now would be a great time!
- Next Thursday the 18th is our first skating day. There was a lot of confusion about payments. On the permission form it was written that it was only $3.25 for skates and $1.75 for helmets. Another note was sent home saying that it was actually $3 for skates and $1.75 for helmets, which only covers one session. The cost for both sessions would be $10. If you know that you underpaid could you please send in the extra money. I will follow up with this in the next couple of days.
In the Classroom:
- We had a special visitor today. Constable Call came to talk to us about what a police officer does and we talked about some important safety tips. We even got to sit in the police car. A big thank you to Constable Call for coming to visit us today!
- I'm sure you have heard by now, but we are investigating soil. We have gathered soil and have tested which types of soil absorb and drain water best. This week we will be talking more about how rocks and soil are eroded by wind and water
- We are continuing our practicing of double digit addition, but we are also working on a measurement unit. Right now we are using non-standard units (paperclips & snapcubes), but later on we will be using standard units (cm & m).
- Spelling:
- Grade 1: came, fame, game, name, same, tame, blame, shame, frame, flame
- Grade 2: core, more, sore, chore, shore, snore, score, spore, ignore, before
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Some more updates
Some more updates for this week and for next week!
- Tomorrow students can purchase popcorn for $1.
- Next week on Thursday we will be having a Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast. We only go two classes at a time, so we could be going anytime between 9am and noon.
- Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we will be attending Mass. We will not be doing a bun lunch this year, but please help your child participate in the day by refraining from sending treats in their lunch. Also note that Hot lunch has been rescheduled from this day to February 17, in keeping with the day.
Important dates for First Communion:
- Parent meeting tomorrow at 7pm. We will be in the Parish Center
- First Communion Retreat for both parents and kids on Saturday, April 2nd. This will be from 9am-noon.
- No evening rehearsal, as we will practice during the day at school
- First Communion on Sunday, April 24th at 2pm.
Monday, 1 February 2016
Week 19
Weekly Reminders:
- No spelling this week because of our 3 day school week
- Tomorrow is wacky hair day!
- Wednesday is wacky shoe/sock day!
- On Wednesday there is a First Communion parent meeting at 7pm. Please let me know if you are unable to attend.
- Remember no school on Thursday and Friday
Monday, 25 January 2016
Weekly Reminders:
- There is a First Communion Parent Meeting on Wednesday, February 3 at 7pm
- Hot Lunch on Wednesday
- Wednesday is also dress up as a book character day. Please just use what you have around the house!
- Sunday we are having our Open House. It would be great to see you there! In our classroom we are doing a demonstration of our math games. If you are around at 1:15 and your child would like to help teach others some math games, please come and join us.
- Grade 1: ate, date, gate, late, mate, rate, grate, slate, crate, skate
- Grade 2: dice, ice, mice, nice, price, slice, spice, twice, advice, device
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Week 18
Weekly Reminders:
- There is a workshop tonight being given by Deborah MacNamara. She will be speaking about how to help your kids attach more to you, rather than their peers. If you would like to attend, it is at 7:00 tonight at the Parish Center
- All students should now be practicing their Bible readings and working on picking out a poem. If you have not received the Bible readings, let me know, so I can send a copy home.
- Grade 1 Spelling: dock, lock, mock, rock, sock, block, clock, flock, shock, smock
- Grade 2 Spelling: Coke, joke, yoke, poke, broke, choke, smoke, stroke, broken, token
Weekly Work
- The Grade two students are working on addition with regrouping, and the Grade ones have been learning a little bit too!
- We are learning about Force this week. We have learned that a force is a push or a pull and we have also learned about friction. The students are working in science stations to experiment with materials to find out more about force and motion.
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Speech Arts
Speech Arts is just around the corner! It is a time for students to get "comfortable" reading and presenting in front of their class.This year I am asking all students to present a poem and read a bible passage.
The poem does not need to be very long. I would like each student to learn and memorize a poem that he/she presents to the class for 30 seconds - 2 minutes. You know your child best so help him/her choose a poem that they can learn and memorize. Poems need to be selected by Jan.20th. Please send me a copy via email or in your child's homework folder. Start learning the poems immediately and practice with your child saying the poem title and author before reciting the poem.
Bible Reading:
There are three passages that students will need to practice. Your child does not need to memorize these - they should be practiced until your child can read them comfortably. Practicing one reading a night is good (and counts as part of their nightly reading). The passages were sent home today.
Speech Arts poems and Bible Readings will be presented, in class, on February 15 & 16.
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Spelling Words for the week
Grade 1: bent, cent, dent, lent, tent, went, spent, scent, event, cement
Grade 2: dine, fine, pine, brine, shine, spine, swine, twine, whine, ninety
Grade 2: dine, fine, pine, brine, shine, spine, swine, twine, whine, ninety
Monday, 11 January 2016
Week 17
Weekly Reminders
- First Confession on Wednesday at 10 am. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to come!
- Hot lunch on Wednesday
- On the Calendar it might have said there was a non-uniform day this Wednesday, but it has been rescheduled to another day.
- Next week on Monday is a Pro-D Day. This is an extra Pro-D Day mandated by the government. We will be learning about the new curriculum being implemented in BC.
Friday, 8 January 2016
First Confession Next Week!
The kids are getting really excited for First Confession on Wednesday! We are preparing for it in class, but also your child should be practicing at home with the sheet I gave them this week. They will be allowed to take the sheet in with them, so if they forget what they have to say, it is there as a safety net. Here are a few details about the day.
- Parents and older siblings are welcome to attend with us, but of course if older siblings are taking part, they must be respectful.
- We will start in the Church at 10am, where Fr. Anthony and Fr. Edwin (from St. Nicholas) will be leading us in Exposition.
- After your child has made their First Confession, they are welcome to stay in the church and pray or they may go over to the Parish Center to do a craft and quiet reflection work. If they chose to go over to the Parish Center, they may always come back and join us to pray in the church.
- After everyone is finished, we will end with Benediction and then have a celebration in the Parish Center
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Schock
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