Friday, 8 January 2016

First Confession Next Week!

The kids are getting really excited for First Confession on Wednesday! We are preparing for it in class, but also your child should be practicing at home with the sheet I gave them this week. They will be allowed to take the sheet in with them, so if they forget what they have to say, it is there as a safety net.  Here are a few details about the day.

  • Parents and older siblings are welcome to attend with us, but of course if older siblings are taking part, they must be respectful. 
  • We will start in the Church at 10am, where Fr. Anthony and Fr. Edwin (from St. Nicholas) will be leading us in Exposition.
  • After your child has made their First Confession, they are welcome to stay in the church and pray or they may go over to the Parish Center to do a craft and quiet reflection work. If they chose to go over to the Parish Center, they may always come back and join us to pray in the church.
  • After everyone is finished, we will end with Benediction and then have a celebration in the Parish Center
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Schock