Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Week 35

Weekly Reminders:

  • The grade 2 class and their buddy classes (5/6 & 7) are hoping to go on a Field trip to the Abbey in Mission on June 20th. Before we are able to do this we are trying to find out how many parents we would have available on that day to drive us (we won't be taking a bus), and who would be able to commit to the full day. We would leave the school at 9 and come back by 3. If you are able to commit to this day, please email me!
  • The I am A Gift From God program is in full swing this week. I sent Parent Lesson Two home for the grade ones today. If you are unable to complete it by Friday, please just send it back so we can do the work in class. The Grade two students will be asked to complete the first parent lesson tomorrow night, with it being due back on Tuesday (due to the Pro-d Day on Monday). Thank you for all your support, I know it can be a lot, especially for the Grade one parents!  
  • A Reminder that there is a PRO-D Day on Monday
  • Grade 1: book, nook, took, look, cook, brook, crook, shook, cookie, mistook
  • Grade 2: vow, now, brow, chow, plow, clown, couch, mouth, ground, found