Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Week 36

Weekly Reminders:

  • Currently we do not have enough parents who are able to drive on June 20th. Are there any other parents available on this day? If you are, please email me. Thank you!
  • A Fun Day notice was sent home today with the oldest student
  • I believe there is one week left for the Shopping Card Challenge. If you would like to, you may purchase them after Mass. For more information, look on the announcements page.
Weekly Work: 
  • I sent the Grade one "I Am a Gift From God" book home again. Please complete the next parent lesson and have them finish page 6. If you could send it by Thursday, that would be great. If you are unable to complete it, please send it back anyways! Thank you!
  • Grade two students will be taking their I Am a Gift From Good book home tomorrow. Please look for it and complete page 9 with them.
  • We are working on graphing and data in the classroom. We are working on coming up with good questions to ask in a survey and what types of questions we can ask to analyze/compare the data.
  • Grade 1; fight, light, might, sight, bright, fright, knight, write, site, right
  • Grade 2: edge, badge, fudge, bridge, pledge, age, charge, change, range, plunge

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Week 35

Weekly Reminders:

  • The grade 2 class and their buddy classes (5/6 & 7) are hoping to go on a Field trip to the Abbey in Mission on June 20th. Before we are able to do this we are trying to find out how many parents we would have available on that day to drive us (we won't be taking a bus), and who would be able to commit to the full day. We would leave the school at 9 and come back by 3. If you are able to commit to this day, please email me!
  • The I am A Gift From God program is in full swing this week. I sent Parent Lesson Two home for the grade ones today. If you are unable to complete it by Friday, please just send it back so we can do the work in class. The Grade two students will be asked to complete the first parent lesson tomorrow night, with it being due back on Tuesday (due to the Pro-d Day on Monday). Thank you for all your support, I know it can be a lot, especially for the Grade one parents!  
  • A Reminder that there is a PRO-D Day on Monday
  • Grade 1: book, nook, took, look, cook, brook, crook, shook, cookie, mistook
  • Grade 2: vow, now, brow, chow, plow, clown, couch, mouth, ground, found

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Rodeo Day Tomorrow

I forgot to remind the kids that it is a Rodeo theme dress up day tomorrow. Students can come as a cowgirl or cowboy. See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Spelling words

Grade 1: moon, noon, soon, coon, croon, balloon, cocoon, sooner, blew, chew
Grade 2: claw, draw, flaw, gnaw, straw, awful, crawl, pause, also, always

Monday, 16 May 2016

Week 34

Thank you to all the volunteers that came today! We had a great time at the Aquarium!

Weekly Reminders:

  • Wednesday is the CCS track meet 12-4
  • (a note from Mr K. )On Friday Mr. Klaponski gave out notices telling grade two athletes if they would need to continue training with the track team Tuesdays and Thursdays.  If the notice was yellow then they would no longer be training.  He thanked them for working so hard at all the practices. Grade twos who have been participating at track and field practice Tuesdays and Thursdays in the month of April to this week are permitted to attend the CCS track meet on Wednesday. Come one come all to cheer them on.
  • Thursday is a Rodeo dress up theme day in celebration of the Cloverdale Rodeo
  • We will do spelling tomorrow in the classroom and I will post the words then 

Friday, 13 May 2016


Monday is our Field trip! We are all very excited to go to the Aquarium. Here are some reminders for the day.
1. We are leaving at 9:00 am sharp. Please make sure your child is on time on this day. I will start bringing the children in at 8:45 to start getting ready. We are leaving the Aquarium at 1:30 to make our way back to CCS. 
2. Students must wear their full uniform. 
3. Please back a disposable lunch for your child in a throw away bag. This way we don’t have to carry our lunches around all day. 
4. Students may bring $5 for spending money. This may be spent at the gift shop, not on food. 

Monday, 9 May 2016

Week 33

Weekly Reminders:

  • Hot lunch Wednesday
  • The Annual General Meeting is taking place this Thursday at 7pm.
  • Scholastic due Friday
  • The Grade 2 students received a disc with the First Communion pictures on them today. Please check your child's bag.
Weekly Work:

  • Grade 1: boat, moat, bloat, float, gloat, throat, afloat, raincoat, tugboat, rowboat
  • Grade 2: out, scout, shout, snout, sprout, about, pouting, outlaw, without, outside

Monday, 2 May 2016

Week 32

Weekly Reminders:
  • Wednesday is the Crowning of Mary Assembly. Our class as well as Sister's Grade 2 class will be leading this assembly in the Church at 1:30. Grade 2 students who still have their First Communion outfits are allowed to wear this on Wednesday. Students who do not have a First Communion outfit or who are in Grade 1 are allowed to wear dress clothes on that day (dresses, or nice pants and shirt). Students may decide to bring it with them and change at lunch or can wear it the whole day. Also each child in the school has been asked to bring one flower to offer to Mary on this day. Please do not send a whole bouquet as it quickly adds up! 
  • Friday is the Grade One Mother's Day Tea. This will be at 10 am in the Columbus Room at the Parish Center.
  • Please send in any Permission slips for the Aquarium, especially if you would like to volunteer. I would like to contact all the parents for supervising this week. 
  • Also a heads up that the 2nd extra Pro-D Day that was mandated by the government, due to the implementation of the new curriculum for next year, has been scheduled. It will be on Monday, May 30th. 
Weekly Work:
  • Grade 1: boom, doom, loom, room, bloom, gloom, broom, groom, bedroom, gloomy
  • Grade 2: boil, coil, foil, soil, toil, broil, spoil, tinfoil, turmoil, topsoil
  • In Math we continue to have mixed adding and subtracting practice each day (regrouping and no regrouping) . This week in our geometry we are sorting how 3d objects move (roll, slide, stack) and are also counting vertices and edges.
  • During writing time, we are all working on researching an animal. We have four questions that we are trying to answer and each child is reading books and writing down facts to answer those questions. Next week we will start to put our facts into paragraphs. 
  • We have also been talking about how to make nouns into plurals (when to add s or es) and how to add ed/ing endings to verbs
  • We are also busy preparing for the assembly on Wednesday, Friday's Tea and a secret project.