- A yellow notice was sent home today about One Hundred day on February 10. Students have been asked to bring in 100 items in a Ziploc bag by February 8.
- This Sunday is our Open House after the 11 am Mass. There will be a pancake breakfast in the gym and then you can come over to the school to take a peek!
- February 11 will be a non-uniform day and we will be celebrating Valentine's Day.
Weekly Work:
- Keep up the daily reading and sight word practice!
- We are continuing our long i words in Phonics. Unfinished work will be sent home on Thursday.
- We are reviewing our 1-9 touchpoints and are using them to add and subtract.
- We will be taking many measurements this week around the classroom, but we will be using non-standard measuring tools, such as paperclips and snap cubes.
- Our unit on Force and Motion continues. This week we will be using ramps.
- In Social Studies we have started talking about Families.
Have a great week!
Miss Kranabetter