Friday, 18 December 2015
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone and I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas break! Thank you so much for all your generous and thoughtful gifts for myself and Miss Muscado. We felt very blessed! We have had a great year so far and we look forward to seeing everyone in January. Merry Christmas!
Monday, 14 December 2015
Week 15
- No spelling this week and no little books for the Grade ones
- Please have your child bring their costume tomorrow and we will get dressed after lunch for our performance at 1pm
- The evening performance is tomorrow at 7pm. Please bring your child to the classroom at 6:30. After the concert, you must pick up your child from the classroom.
- Wednesday is Pajama Day
- Thank you so much for all your generous donations to the Christmas Hamper. It is growing and growing every day!
- Friday is noon dismissal
Friday, 11 December 2015
Dress Rehearsal Monday
There is a dress rehearsal on Monday. I told the kids to wear their costume, but please have them bring it instead! They may wear their uniform to school and we will change into the Shepherd costume after lunch.
Monday, 7 December 2015
Week 14
Weekly Schedule & Reminders:
- On Wednesday there is a Christmas colours/Christmas sweater non-uniform day.
- Our class is collecting items for a family with one adult and 4 children for this year's St Vincent De Paul Christmas Hamper. If you are able to send in anything for this family please send them in by Wednesday, December 16th. Thank you to everyone who already sent in items!
- Also just a reminder that the Knights of Columbus are still selling gift cards after Mass. The proceeds go to our school!
- GRADE 2 PARENTS: If you were unable to make it the Confession meeting last week, I sent an important notice home with your child. Please make sure you received it, if not please let me know and I would be happy to send you another one.
Weekly Work:
- We are working on adding and subtracting strategies in math this week. Below are two pages of some of the types of strategies we use in Grade one and two. Some students are working on the first couple of strategies, while others are working on some of the last strategies.
- The Grade ones are learning about the Messianic Prophecies. This means that they are reading scripture in the Old Testament, that prepares and tells the people about the coming of Jesus.
- The Grade twos are continuing with their preparation for First Reconciliation.
- We are working on retelling and making Connections in Language Arts. Today we read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.
- In writing we are starting our unit on procedural writing. Students will be breaking down how to do something into written steps
- Last week you should have seen a culture sheet come home. We are now talking about how Canada is made up of many diverse cultures.
- Spelling words for both Grade 1 and 2 this week are: junk, sunk, gunk, chunk, clunk, trunk, skunk, spunk, shrunk, stunk
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Christmas Concert Costumes
We are shepherds this year! Mrs. Mar has asked that you have your child wear dull colours, such as brown, tan, or any other muted shepherd colours. Please look online for simple ideas to make this costume.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Week 13
- Reconciliation Parent Meeting on Thursday at 6:30 pm. I look forward to seeing the Grade two parents at this meeting!
- Hot Lunch on Wednesday
- Food Bank Mass on Friday
Spelling this week:
G1: ring, wing, sing, ding, bring,thing, sting, spring, string, shopping
G2: dock, lock, sock, flock, block, clock, shock, stocking, knock, unlock
Monday, 23 November 2015
Week 12
- Wednesday is Report Card Day!
- Thursday evening and Friday morning are 3-way conferences. Please have your child wear their uniforms. If you have not received your confirmed time (they were sent home with the oldest), please let me know and I can give that time to you.
- There is a used book sale on Thursday. Books will be priced from 25c-$2 and students can buy them during recess.
- The Knights of Columbus are doing a CCS Shopping Challenge - Christmas edition. They will be selling gift cards after Mass, which can be great for Christmas gifts! The class who buys the most will win a prize and more importantly we make money for our school.
- The Parish Bazaar is this weekend. If you would like to purchase your child's craft, please send in the form, with the money attached by Wednesday, November 25th.
Weekly Work
- Spelling test on Thursday
- Grade 1 - bash, cash, dash, gash, clash, flash, splash, trash, crash, smash
- Grade 2 - best, pest, vest, chest, crest, quest, arrest, guest, honest, testing
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
50th day of school
We are having lots of non-uniform days this week! Tomorrow is our sports jersey day and Friday we are having a 50's day. "Fifties Day" is a Kindergarten and Grade One event, so the Grades Ones will be dressing up, as well as participating in activities along with the K class and the other Grade Ones. Since it is nice to celebrate things as a class, the Grade Twos will be allowed to also dress up, but will be doing different activities during the day. You should see a note in your child's backpack today.
Monday, 16 November 2015
Week 11
- Grade two parents, please make sure you have marked down the dates I posted last week for a parent meeting and First Confession.
- Wednesday is Hot Lunch
- Wednesday is also a non-uniform day (sport/jersey day)
- Please send in 3 way conference forms. We will be scheduling them on Wednesday.
Spelling Words
Grade 1: dub, hub, sub, tub, rub, club, grub stub, shrub, scrub
Grade 2: back, pack, sack, black, quack, whack, shack, crack, jacket, racket
Grade 2: back, pack, sack, black, quack, whack, shack, crack, jacket, racket
Monday, 9 November 2015
Week 10
- We have a Remembrance Day Assembly tomorrow. Students may bring in a $1 for purchasing a poppy.
- No school on Wednesday
- The Grade Ones brought home Home Reading for the week. Please read the information and if you have any questions please feel free to come ask me.
- We have scheduled the First Confession Parent Meeting for Thursday, December 3rd at 6:30 pm. Grade Two parents please mark your calendar as this is an important meeting.
- First Confession is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13th at 10:00 am.
Weekly Work
- In Math, we continue to work on patterns. The Grade ones are working on naming patterns (AAB), and the Grade two students are now working on figuring out the rule for growing patterns (3, 6, 9, 12, 15).
- We are working on focusing our writing, so that we are expanding on one idea. We use 'binoculars' to help us find that one idea.
- In Religion the Grade ones are learning about the different Liturgical seasons. The Grade twos have now started their preparation for First Reconciliation and are learning about what sin is.
Spelling Words - November 9, 2015
Grade 1: red, bed, led, fed, sled, shed, fled, sped, shred, pedal
Grade 2: bell, cell, yell, smell, shell, dwell, spell, swell, yellow, bellow
Grade 2: bell, cell, yell, smell, shell, dwell, spell, swell, yellow, bellow
Friday, 6 November 2015
Volunteers Needed
The Grade 2 students are making their Christmas craft on Monday, November 9th. If you would like to help out they are starting at 10:45.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Week 9
- We are collecting candy to send to AGAPE street ministries. If you would like to send some, that would be greatly appreciated.
- Hot lunch on Wednesday
- Food Bank Mass on Friday
- With the colder and wetter weather, please make sure to send your child with appropriate clothing. We will be going outside if it is lightly raining.
Spelling words
Grade 1: pin, win, bin, din, fin, chin, shin, thin, skin, rinse
Grade 2: bill, hill, dill, chill, drill, quill, thrill, twill, pillow, village
Grade 2: bill, hill, dill, chill, drill, quill, thrill, twill, pillow, village
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Volunteers Needed
The Grade One students will be working on their Bazaar craft on Thursday, November 5th between 9 and 10:30. If you would like to help out, please let me know and I can pass the word on to the craft coordinator.
Monday, 26 October 2015
Week 8
- Thursday is picture retake day. Please make sure that you email me or write in their planner so I can add your child's name to the list.
- Friday is our All Saints Dress Up day. Students may come dressed up as a Saint and we will be celebrating in the afternoon by having a primary All Saints Party.
- There will be a notice for the oldest coming home tomorrow about a Halloween collection initiated by the Christian Servers.
- Next week students can bring any extra Halloween candy to give to AGAPE street ministries.
Weekly Learning:
- In phonics the Grade ones are working on short a and the Grade twos are working on short vowel sounds.
- In Math, we are working on showing numbers different ways. The Grade ones are doing this by showing numbers with tally marks, base ten blocks, ten frames and number words. The Grade twos are doing this by using different combinations of rods and units to show the same number.
- During our Guided Reading Groups, some students are working on the strategy of Flippy the Dolphin. Ask your child what this means.
- We continue to work on Matter as a whole group. The Grade ones are also learning about the Seasons.
- We are still learning about the Rosary and will be turning our focus to the Saints.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Week 7
- If you have any more Fitness-a-thon monies, please send them in right away!
- No School on Friday. It is the province wide Pro-D Day and so we are all heading to workshops to do some learning.
- Spelling Test on Thursday due to the Pro-D Day
- Please send in signed Interim Reports. They are due on Thursday.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Week 6
- Tomorrow is the Living Rosary Assembly hosted by the Grade 4 class. Each child is allowed to bring a Rosary or they may use a Rosary from our classroom.
- On Friday our Interim Reports are being sent home. These are a quick update on how your child is doing behaviorally and socially in the classroom. It is not an academic assessment.
- Picture orders are due this Friday.
- We are collecting the Fitness-a-thon monies, so please send them in as soon as possible. Thank you for all your hard work raising money! We really appreciate it.
- Just a heads up that on Friday, October 30th, we will be having our annual All Saints Dress Up Day. There are plenty of great and simple ideas found online!
Weekly Work:
- Grade one students are doing "og" words and Grade two students are doing "ug" words. Remember spelling homework is due on Friday.
- We practiced doing an Earthquake drill today in preparation for our school wide drill tomorrow. I always find that children are a little more anxious about Earthquakes after a drill, so it might be a topic of conversation tonight.
- We have been learning about the Rosary in Religion last week and this week, specifically reviewing the Joyful mysteries.
- In Math the Grade Ones have been working on how many more/less a number is than 5 or 10. You could help them at home by asking them how many more is 7 than 5, how many less is 4 than 5 etc. We did ordinal numbers today!
- The Grade 2 students have been working on the language of word problems and how it gives us hints of which operation we should do. We also worked on ordinal numbers today!
Friday, 9 October 2015
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, 5 October 2015
Week 5
Reminders for the week:
- Thank you so much for your hard work at already getting pledges. Last week, on our pledge tally day our class came in second! We were very excited! Please keep trying to get pledges as we are still $400 under our class goal. We will be having another pledge tally day this Wednesday.
- Fitness-a-thon is on Friday! Students will be coming to school in their gym strip so they are ready to participate in the fitness stations. Also please note we are dismissed at NOON on this day. An early start to the long weekend!
- CISVA Cross Country Meet is on Wednesday. Only certain students are going and they would have received information from Mr. Klaponski.
- Wednesday is also Hot Lunch
- If you would like to order Scholastic please send it to me by Friday. You are now able to pay online, but you will have to look under Kranabetter as I have not changed my scholastic account to Schock yet. I will let you know when I do.
Weekly Work
- Spelling Bingo is due on Friday
- I will be sending home Sight Words this week for children who need the practice. There will be information sent along with them.
- We are well on our way to establishing our Writer's Workshop. We are now writing for over 15 minutes at a time! We will soon be starting writing groups and conferences where I will pull students to work on a specific skill.
- We are also working hard on establishing our Literacy Centers/Daily 5 routines. On Friday everyone read for 14 minutes. We have also learned more about how to Read with Someone, and what Listen to Reading is.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Fitness-a-thon update
Our 2nd ever “Fitness-a-thon” kicked off with a fun assembly last week. This week we are looking forward to our first pledge tally day on Wednesday, Sept. 30th. All students will be asked to inform their teacher of their pledge total so far so we can begin to measure our progress towards our school goal. We will be having our 2nd Fitness-a-thon” assembly to announce results so far and learn about this year’s prizes!
Monday, 28 September 2015
Week 4
A lot was sent home today, and you may have some questions about expectations! Here is a little more information for you.
Spelling: Each week students are expected to choose 3 activities from the bingo sheet. They are then supposed to bring it back on Friday. If they are unable to complete the 3 activities, please send me a note. I have explained to the children that they should not spend more than 10 minutes on an activity. I understand that they may not complete the task, but I feel that spending more than 10 minutes is not a benefit to them. Once they have either completed the task or worked on it for 10 minutes, please sign the assigned box.
RAZ-KIDS: Each student also brought home information to log into RAZ-kids. This is an online program that allows children to listen to a story, read it independently and then answer comprehension questions related to the story. This is not a required program, but can be a way to have your child reading each night. I really do think this is a great program because it gives the children a chance to read at their independent reading level.
Reminders for the week:
Spelling: Each week students are expected to choose 3 activities from the bingo sheet. They are then supposed to bring it back on Friday. If they are unable to complete the 3 activities, please send me a note. I have explained to the children that they should not spend more than 10 minutes on an activity. I understand that they may not complete the task, but I feel that spending more than 10 minutes is not a benefit to them. Once they have either completed the task or worked on it for 10 minutes, please sign the assigned box.
RAZ-KIDS: Each student also brought home information to log into RAZ-kids. This is an online program that allows children to listen to a story, read it independently and then answer comprehension questions related to the story. This is not a required program, but can be a way to have your child reading each night. I really do think this is a great program because it gives the children a chance to read at their independent reading level.
Reminders for the week:
- Please send in any remaining Entertainment Books, even if you haven't sold them.
- Hot lunch order form for Fitness-a-thon due Friday
- Please start getting some pledges for Fitness-a-thon. We will be talking more about it this week in the classroom.
Have a great week!
Monday, 21 September 2015
Week 3
Today was a busy day in the classroom. Many students went to Cross Country and so the Grade ones from our class went and visited the Grade ones in Ms. Paraiso's class. We also started our spelling program today! It is another busy week, so here are just a few important things.
- Wednesday is our Terry Fox Walk. At 1:30 we will be going over to the gym for an assembly and then we will walk on the School property to show our support. Students are encouraged to bring in $2 on this day to give to the charity.
- A big thank you to those who have been working hard to sell entertainment books. The last return day is this Wednesday!
- Friday is individual photo day so please make sure your child is in full uniform. Also, please remember to send in the photo pose form.
- This Friday we will have our first spelling test. Students have their words written in their planners. But just in case you can't find it, here are the words for this week.
1. hop
2. mop
3. top
4. pop
5. cop
6. shop
7. stop
8. chop
9. flop
10. slop
Monday, 14 September 2015
Week 2
We are in our first full week of school! Here are just a few things to keep in mind for the next couple of days.
- Tomorrow is the Back to School BBQ and Meet the Teacher Night. It starts at 5:30!
- The first return date for the Entertainment books is this Thursday.
- Hot lunch begins next Wednesday, September 23. You can order online at the Lunch Lady. Find more info here.
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
September 9, 2015
Just a few reminders:
- Tomorrow is our first PE class. Please make sure your child has gym shoes and a gym strip.
- Lots of notices were sent home today. All your children received a Cross country notice, but it is up to you if they sign up. In music, they were asked if they wanted to join choir and should have brought home a form if they were interested. A notice about picture day was also sent home.
- You also should have received an entertainment book today. Please read the information sent home and let's see if we can be the class who sells the most!
- Remember no school on Friday. The staff is attending the annual CISVA faith development day.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
The First Day of School
We had a great first day back at school! Please make sure to check your child's backpack for a red folder tonight. There is a welcome back letter, as well as a form to fill out about your child. Please send the form back by Thursday. If your child is the oldest in your family at this school, they should also have a notice about the back to school BBQ next week.
Also just a reminder that dismissal is at 2:30 tomorrow.
Also just a reminder that dismissal is at 2:30 tomorrow.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Welcome Back
Welcome back everyone! I am very excited to start another year at CCS, teaching the Grade 1/2 class. Here are just a few reminders for our first week of school!
- On Tuesday the first bell will ring at 8:45. Students should find the Grade 1/2 lineup and wait for me there to lead them in. We will have Mass at 9:30 and you are more than welcome to join us over there at that time. Dismissal is at noon.
- This year our Wednesday dismissal time is at 2:30 not 2:00
- Thursday is a regular day with dismissal at 3:00
- Friday is a Pro-D Day. No School
Enjoy the long weekend and see you soon!
Mrs. Schock
Monday, 15 June 2015
June 15, 2015
- We will be having Mass on Thursday this week instead of Friday
- It is Fun Day on Friday! Remember it is a noon dismissal! Students can wear their colour or wear circus themed clothing on this day. Look for your child's colour in his/her planner last Friday.
- We will be having frozen yogurt generously donated by ZEN as our snack this year. If this is an allergy concern for your child, please let me know by Wednesday, so that an alternative treat can be arranged.
Monday, 8 June 2015
June 8, 2015
- Tomorrow is the Dress Rehearsal for those participating in the Talent Show this Friday.
- There is a tea after Mass this Friday and then you have prime seating for the Talent Show. After the talent show we will be going back to the classroom and if you would like to take your child then, you may come to the classroom to pick them up.
- Hot lunch forms for FunDay were due today, but if you get them in by tomorrow morning you can still order
- Last week of spelling!
- I am not sending home 'little books' as I am now collecting them. Please send back any books that you have. Thank you!
Monday, 1 June 2015
June 1, 2015
- Hot lunch on Wednesday
- Food Bank Mass on Thursday
- Spelling Test on Thursday
- No school on Friday because it is our Feast Day!
- Look for fun day and hot lunch notices for Fun Day in your child's planner tomorrow.
Weekly Work
- We keep working on addition and subtraction to 18
- We used modeling clay to create cubes, rectangular prisms, cylinders and spheres today. We will be working on more 3-D objects throughout the week.
- In science we are working on the needs of living things and are learning more about how plants grow.
- We continue to work on retelling stories that we have heard or read.
Friday, 29 May 2015
May 29, 2015
- We are gearing up for our circus fun day! On Monday students in K and 1 will be getting their face painted!
Also a message from the Knights of Columbus
Attention parents...there are just two weekends remaining in the Spring Edition of the Shopping Card contest. The more support for the program each and every week the more we can raise for our parish and school. All it takes is slight changes to how you spend your money, not where you spend it. Heading into the last two weekends the top four classes are:
Grade 6
Grade 2
Grade 5
Remember, the top class is guaranteed a class party but every $25 purchased gets your child's class a ballot in the draw for the second party.
Monday, 25 May 2015
May 25, 2015
- We have a whole school photo on Thursday. Please make sure your child is in full uniform.
- With the warm weather last week, we seemed to have lost quite a few sweaters. If you wouldn't mind checking for names at home, that would be great!
- Next Friday, June 5th is our Feast Day, so that means No School!
- Please keep purchasing Gift Cards from the Knights of Columbus! We could still win a party for our class.
- Thank you for all your help at the field trip last week. We had a lot of fun!
- We have been working on addition and subtraction to 18 in math and also lots of skip counting with money. Tomorrow we will be starting our unit on Geometry.
- Our Lettuce and Carrots are starting to sprout, no beans yet though. We are observing and talking about the needs of living things
- It was Pentecost on Sunday and so we are spending this week learning more about the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
May 19, 2015
- Tomorrow is the Mini Track Meet at CCS for Grades 2-4. This means that there will be a concession that students can buy treats from. Also the Grade 5/6 and 6 classes are setting up games and activities to raise money for a variety of charities. Students can bring in a dollar or two if they would like to purchase anything from the concession or participate in the games.
- Thursday is our Field Trip. Please make sure you are on time on this day! Students should be in full uniform and should have a lunch that can be easily thrown away.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
May 12, 2015
- Tomorrow is the Crowing of Mary Assembly. Students have been asked if they can, to bring in one flower for Mary.
- Tomorrow is also popcorn day. Your child can bring 50 cents if they would like to buy some.
- We have just heard that Thursday will be Western Day. Students can dress up like a cowgirl/cowboy to celebrate the upcoming Rodeo. Students should bring in $1.
Monday, 4 May 2015
Monday, 27 April 2015
April 27, 2015
- Please send in any permission slips and money
- We have a popcorn day on Friday. Please send 50 cents on this day if you would like your child to purchase some. Children who made an anti-bullying day t-shirt a couple of months ago are getting a free bag!
- The Knights of Columbus are having their Spring Gift Card contest. After Mass on Sundays, you can stop by their table and purchase gifts cards for a variety of stores, including grocery and gas. The class with the highest number of sales wins a prize!
- Food Bank Mass on Friday
Weekly Work
- In our Phonics we are working on Long E. I will be sending home any unfinished work this week. I have been letting students work at their own pace and some children are getting close to the end!
- We are working on adding strategies in Math. Students are trying to look for partner numbers to make 5 and 10. We also continue to complete adding and subtracting pages to keep working on this area.
- We have been looking at the articles of Baptism. If you know where your child's Baptismal Candle is or if they were given a white Garment, it would be great for you to share it with them!
- In Social Studies we are working on Canadian Symbols.
Monday, 20 April 2015
Monday, 13 April 2015
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Concert tonight!
Students should come to the classroom at 6:30 tonight, ready in their costume. You can pick them up in the classroom after the show.
The Grade 1K class is performing on the right hand side of the stage or when you walk into the gym walk to your left to find a good seat. We will be standing on the new risers.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Bring Costumes on Thursday
We ended up having a dress rehearsal today, so students do not need their costumes tomorrow. Please have them bring it on Thursday. To help us be a little quicker at putting on our costumes, please have your child practice putting it on themselves. Thank you so much!
Thursday, 2 April 2015
Spring Musical
Next week is the Spring Musical and so there are some important reminders!
- On Tuesday we are taking pictures of each of the classes in their costumes. Please send your child's toga costume, so that they can change into it later on in the day. Also please make sure it is labelled and in a bag that will keep it contained! They can keep it on their hook so that they will also have it for Wednesday.
- On Wednesday we are having a dress rehearsal.
- Thursday is the concert day. We will have a 1:00 pm performance, as well as a 7:00 pm showing. Students should be in the classroom at 6:30 pm to prepare for the evening.
Have a Happy Easter!
Miss Kranabetter
Monday, 30 March 2015
March 30, 2015
- Spelling test on Thursday this week
- No School on Friday!
- We are now practicing the musical in the gym and the kids look great! Students will need to have their toga costumes at the school on April 7, 8 and 9 for pictures, dress rehearsal and the actual concert.
Monday, 23 March 2015
March 23, 2015
I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break!
- The Spring Concert is coming up on April 9th. Make sure you look at the previous post for costume ideas or the Music blog. The Grade Ones are wearing togas.
- Hot lunch on Wednesday
- Please send back signed Report Cards
Monday, 9 March 2015
March 9, 2015
- The next round of Primary Speech Arts is happening tomorrow in the Parish Center. Congratulations to Evan, Ethan, Sebastian, & Luke who were chosen to move on! Everyone did an amazing job last week; I was so very impressed by everyone's hard work
- Wednesday is a Green non-uniform day. We will also be having a Irish Ceili assembly!
- Friday is Report Card Day
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Non-Uniform Day
Tomorrow is a non-uniform day. You can can wear an anti-bullying shirt (bought or designed by you) or wear any other non-uniform clothes.
Monday, 23 February 2015
February 23, 2015
- Please keep practicing Bible Readings and Poetry. We will be presenting the Bible Readings this FRIDAY and the poems on Monday, March 2nd.
- Hot lunch on Wednesday this week.
- Spelling this week is i_e words.
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Missing Sweater
We have a missing cardigan. If everyone could please check for a sweater that is labeled M.B. in it, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Spring Musical
The Spring Musical will be held on April 9, 2015 this year. There will be a 1:00 PM performance and a 7:00 PM performance.
Grade Ones will be dressed in Togas. Mrs. Mar, demonstrated to the class how they can easily make a Toga out of a sheet and then wear a shirt underneath.

Happy creating,
Miss K.
Grade Ones will be dressed in Togas. Mrs. Mar, demonstrated to the class how they can easily make a Toga out of a sheet and then wear a shirt underneath.
Happy creating,
Miss K.
Monday, 16 February 2015
February 16, 2015
- Tomorrow we will be having a pancake breakfast to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. Our class will be eating with our buddies at 9am. If you have any concerns please let me know.
- Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we will be attending Mass with the whole school.
- Thank you for helping your child work on their Bible readings! I know that for a Grade One student it can be challenging to practice all three, so please use your judgement as to what your child can handle. Reading abilities at this time of the year are varied and so some children might spend this time learning one, while others are able to practice all three. To move onto the next level, children will need to know all three
- Home reading books will be sent home tomorrow.
- Times for student led conferences were sent home today with the oldest student. If you did not receive yours please let me know.
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
February 10, 2015
- Please send back any Student Led Conference forms
- Keep looking for poems and send them to me by Feb. 16.
- Tomorrow is Valentine's Day in the classroom. Students do not have to wear their uniform and are encouraged to try and wear Valentine's Day colours. They have also been asked to bring $1 to support the Door is Open ministry.
- Students may bring cards for the class, and food will be given out at the end of the day to take home.
Weekly Work:
- No SPELLING and no LITTLE READERS this week
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Speech Arts
Speech Arts is just around the corner! It is a time for students to get "comfortable" reading and presenting in front of their class. For Grade 1's it will be a little different than the older grades.
This year I am asking all students to present a poem and read a bible passage.
The poem does not need to be very long. I would like each student to learn and memorize a poem that he/she presents to the class for 10-30 seconds. You know your child best so help him/her choose a poem that they can learn and memorize. Shel Silverstein is a great poet/author that has easy to learn and short poems. Poems need to be selected by Feb. 16. Please send me a copy via email or in your child's homework folder. Start learning the poems immediately and practice with your child saying the poem title and author before reciting the poem.
Bible Reading:
There are three passages that students will need to practice. Your child does not need to memorize these - they should be practiced until your child can read them comfortably. Practicing one reading a night is good (and counts as part of their nightly reading). The passages were sent home today.
This year I am asking all students to present a poem and read a bible passage.
The poem does not need to be very long. I would like each student to learn and memorize a poem that he/she presents to the class for 10-30 seconds. You know your child best so help him/her choose a poem that they can learn and memorize. Shel Silverstein is a great poet/author that has easy to learn and short poems. Poems need to be selected by Feb. 16. Please send me a copy via email or in your child's homework folder. Start learning the poems immediately and practice with your child saying the poem title and author before reciting the poem.
Bible Reading:
There are three passages that students will need to practice. Your child does not need to memorize these - they should be practiced until your child can read them comfortably. Practicing one reading a night is good (and counts as part of their nightly reading). The passages were sent home today.
Speech Arts poems and Bible Readings will be presented, in class, the first week of March.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
February 3, 2015
- Tomorrow is a non-uniform day (students can wear something else) and wacky hair day. We ask that each student brings in $1 for us to donate to the St. Vincent De Paul Society.
- Also, we are missing John Michael's sweater. If you could please look at home to make sure you don't have an extra that would be great!
Monday, 2 February 2015
February 2, 2015
- It's Catholic Schools Week and we are doing a variety of activities around the school. Tomorrow is jersey day. Students must wear their uniform, but may choose to wear a jersey over top.
- 100 things are due on Friday
- This weeks spelling is focused on the digraphs of sh and wh.
Monday, 26 January 2015
January 26, 2015
- A yellow notice was sent home today about One Hundred day on February 10. Students have been asked to bring in 100 items in a Ziploc bag by February 8.
- This Sunday is our Open House after the 11 am Mass. There will be a pancake breakfast in the gym and then you can come over to the school to take a peek!
- February 11 will be a non-uniform day and we will be celebrating Valentine's Day.
Weekly Work:
- Keep up the daily reading and sight word practice!
- We are continuing our long i words in Phonics. Unfinished work will be sent home on Thursday.
- We are reviewing our 1-9 touchpoints and are using them to add and subtract.
- We will be taking many measurements this week around the classroom, but we will be using non-standard measuring tools, such as paperclips and snap cubes.
- Our unit on Force and Motion continues. This week we will be using ramps.
- In Social Studies we have started talking about Families.
Have a great week!
Miss Kranabetter
Thursday, 22 January 2015
Open House
Oops, I forgot to send out an Open House notice, so here it is!
Cloverdale Catholic School's Open House on February 1st, from noon to 2 pm
After 11am Mass, join us for the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast and then head over to the school for in class demonstrations, displays, and performances by our choir and band.
If you have a friend or neighbour who you think may want to learn more about our school, please bring them along for a chance to learn what you have known for years... CCS is a great school!
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday,
Miss Kranabetter
Cloverdale Catholic School's Open House on February 1st, from noon to 2 pm
After 11am Mass, join us for the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast and then head over to the school for in class demonstrations, displays, and performances by our choir and band.
If you have a friend or neighbour who you think may want to learn more about our school, please bring them along for a chance to learn what you have known for years... CCS is a great school!
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday,
Miss Kranabetter
Monday, 19 January 2015
January 19, 2015
- Friday is a Pro-D Day, so there is no school for the kids.
Weekly Work:
- Spelling words this week are based on the "th" pattern. Try and point out different "th" words that you see and hear.
- We will be working on the long sound of i in our phonics. We will also be reinforcing magic e / super e, but with the vowel sound of i.
- Please keep reading little books!
- Continue practicing sight words too!
- We are learning our touchpoints for 6-9 this week. We will then be working on using these numbers in addition and subtraction.
- We are also working on measurement in math. Some words we have used are length and width.
- In Science we are talking about friction and doing some related experiments.
- We read about the Parable of the Mustard Seed and will be doing more Parables this week.
Have a great week!
Miss K.
Monday, 12 January 2015
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Monday, 5 January 2015
January 5, 2015
Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday. Thank you so much for all the gifts and treats. I was definitely spoiled!
Happy New Year,
Miss K.
- January 23rd is a Pro-D Day
Weekly Work:
- We are working on Long A in our phonics book. Unfinished work will be sent home on Thursday.
- Our spelling this week is: sock, lock, clock, hog, frog, and said
- Little Books were sent home today. If they haven't been changed please send them back so I can exchange them tomorrow. Please keep encouraging your child to read each night.
- We are using touchmath to do adding!
- Our new science unit was started. We are working on Force and Motion.
Happy New Year,
Miss K.
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