Monday, 25 April 2016

Week 31

Weekly Reminders:

  • Congratulations to all the Grade twos who received the Eucharist for the very first time. You were all so reverent and respectful!
  • Please send in any edu-pac forms or field trip forms
  • The talent show sign up is this week. Please discuss with your child if they would like to participate. A notice about the talent show was sent home last week.
  • Wednesday we have a popcorn sale. Bags are $1 each. 
  • Friday is a Pro-D Day. No school for the students

Weekly Work:
  • Grade 1  - beat, heat, meat, bleat, cleat, treat, cheat, wheat, defeat, eaten
  • Grade 2 - blink, drink, clink, chink, shrink, stink, think, sprinkle, slinky, twinkle

Monday, 18 April 2016

Week 30

Weekly Reminders:

  • If you would like to order a First Communion Class picture, please send in your order form
  • Friday, Grade two students will be going to Confession. Please help them practice at home.
  • Sunday is First Communion! Please make sure you are at the Parish Center by 1pm. We will be taking pictures at 1:15. I did tell the Grade twos they should practice for receiving on the tongue by looking in the mirror. A little bit silly, but it may help them!
Weekly Work: 
  • Grade 1: bee, flee, free, tree, knee, three, spree, agree, team, bean
  • Grade 2: bold, gold, scold, colder, folded, molding, oldest, golden, won't, I'll
  • In Math, we are finishing up shapes with the Grade ones, and all of us will be working on 3d objects. We are still working on subtraction strategies for the Grade ones and the Grade twos are still working on subtraction with regrouping. 
  • We have picked an animal to write about and are starting our research in class!

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Week 29

Weekly Reminders:

  • Tomorrow is a non-uniform day. Students are allowed to dress up in a colour to represent an emotion. I told students not to worry too much about which colour, as we know that our emotions can change throughout the day. 
  • Hot Lunch tomorrow
  • There was some confusion about a colouring contest that was sent home yesterday. This is an optional contest that the children can choose to participate in or not. If they would like to complete this activity, it is due tomorrow.
  • Please, please, please check your child's sweaters that are coming home. We are missing some and I know that with the warm weather we had in the last weeks it is so easy to take home the wrong sweater. 
  • Grade 2 students receiving their First Communion on the 24th, will be asked to go to the Sacrament of Confession before this date. Thankfully we are able to do this as a class on Friday, April 22 in the afternoon. We will practice a few times this week to remind them and I will also send home the sheet again, so they can also practice at home. 
  • On Friday, the Grade one students received a Mother's Day tea invitation. Please send in your RVSP as soon as possible.  This a K/1 event that is held every other year and so the current grade 2 class were able to participate in this in K.
  • Thank you to all those who have been purchasing gift cards after Mass! It really helps our school!

Weekly Work: 

  • Grade 1: gain, main, pain, brain, chain, plain, sprain, cane, snake, hay
  • Grade 2: dew, few, pew, blew, chew, screw, threw, knew, through, slough
  • We practiced how to receive First Communion on the tongue today (which they will be doing at their First Communion). We will learn how to receive on the hands as well, so that you as a family can make a decision about how they will receive in the future. 
  • We (Gr. 2, and some Gr. 1's ready for the challenge) have been working on our double digit subtraction and we are all getting so close to understanding. By the end of the week, I will be sending some worksheets home for those who need a little extra help. The Grade ones have been working on using doubles for subtraction. 
  • We are still talking about classification of animals, and will start talking about our next question. How do animals grow? 
  • In writing, we are learning about how author's write non-fiction books. Currently we are looking at a variety of information books to see how author's organize their work. Students have brainstormed an idea and have thought about titles they would include in a Table of Contents. Soon we will all be gathering information on an animal to write our own non-fiction book.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Week 28

Weekly Reminders:

  • Scholastic orders are due Thursday if you would like to purchase any
  • Please send in Lenten offering boxes if you have done this with your child. 
  • Please check your child's sweaters. We are missing a few and would like them to return to their owner. 
  • For First Communion parents: you may send in your First Communion class picture order form to the classroom to be given to the photographer
Weekly Work:
  • Grade 1: pay, day, clay, gray, play, pray, stay, spray, away, today
  • Grade 2: bank, rank, sank, blank, drank, thank, prank, banker, blanket, cranky
  • We are continuing with double digit subtraction for the Grade twos. We are using manipulatives to help us understand the concept. The Grade ones are working on their subtraction strategies to help them with subtracting bigger numbers. 
  • As a whole class we are also starting our geometry unit. Today we worked on identifying shapes and counting the amount of sides and vertices they have.
  • We are now starting our new science unit on animals. We will be learning more about how they change and grow.