Monday, 22 February 2016

Week 22

Weekly Reminders:

  • Hot Lunch Wednesday
  • Spelling test on Thursday
  • Student-led conferences on Thursday evening and Friday morning. If you did not get your time for this, please let me know and I will send the time to you.
  • No School Friday
Weekly Work:
  • Spelling Grade 1: hide, ride, side, tide, wide, glide, slide, bride, stride, pride
  • Spelling Grade 2: gain, main, brain, chain, drain, stain, Spain (this word needs a uppercase letter in order to be correct), train, explain, complain
  • In Science we are finishing up learning about erosion. We have looked at how wind and water affect soil.
  • We are using the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd materials to teach about the Mass. First we learned about the different Articles of the Mass and are now moving on to learn some of the important gestures and prayers we see and hear at Mass. Here is a picture of some of the materials we use during a lesson. 


Monday, 15 February 2016

Week 21

Weekly Reminders:

  • Thank you for all the Valentine's treats! I know all of us adults in the Grade 1/2 room always feel so blessed by your generosity.
  • Tomorrow students are reciting their poem to the class. I am excited to hear them!
  • This Wednesday is Hot Lunch (due to Ash Wednesday last week) and Hot Lunch next Wednesday as well. 
  • Re-registration sheets (blue) are due on Thursday. Please make sure to attach the re-registration fee as well. 
  • We are going skating on Thursday! For all our skating volunteers we will be leaving at 9:45 am, to walk over to the Cloverdale Arena. That will give us plenty of time to get over there and do up skates for our 10:30 start time. Thank you to all those who were able to volunteer to walk us over, we look forward to seeing you! 
  • This Saturday is the CCS Fundraising Gala! 
  • Also remember next Thursday (25) and Friday (26) are student-led conferences, so there will not be a normal day of school next Friday. 


 Grade 1: bale, gale, male, pale, sale, tale, scale, whale, stale, female
 Grade 2: bleed, creed, freed, greed, speed, steed, agreed, greedy, speedy, needle

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Week 20

Weekly Reminders:

  • Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. We will be attending Mass in the morning. Today we talked about how adults are asked to fast tomorrow and how it would be good to not bring treats or meat as a sacrifice.
  • Friday is our Valentine celebration day and it will be a non-uniform day (Red & White). I sent home a class list for students to create Valentines for everyone. Since it is during Lent this year, I am asking that parents do not send in any cupcakes or cookies. If you would like to add any small treats that could be saved ( for kids who are giving up candy) then that would be great. 
  • Next week on Monday, we will be doing our Bible Reading presentations in class. Tuesday will be our poetry recitation. If your child hasn't started practicing, now would be a great time!
  • Next Thursday the 18th is our first skating day. There was a lot of confusion about payments. On the permission form it was written that it was only $3.25 for skates and $1.75 for helmets. Another note was sent home saying that it was actually $3 for skates and $1.75 for helmets, which only covers one session. The cost for both sessions would be $10. If you know that you underpaid could you please send in the extra money. I will follow up with this in the next couple of days. 
In the Classroom:
  • We had a special visitor today. Constable Call came to talk to us about what a police officer does and we talked about some important safety tips. We even got to sit in the police car. A big thank you to Constable Call for coming to visit us today! 
  • I'm sure you have heard by now, but we are investigating soil. We have gathered soil and have tested which types of soil absorb and drain water best. This week we will be talking more about how rocks and soil are eroded by wind and water
  • We are continuing our practicing of double digit addition, but we are also working on a measurement unit. Right now we are using non-standard units (paperclips & snapcubes), but later on we will be using standard units (cm & m). 
  • Spelling:  
  •   Grade 1: came, fame, game, name, same, tame, blame, shame, frame, flame
  •   Grade 2: core, more, sore, chore, shore, snore, score, spore, ignore, before

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Some more updates

Some more updates for this week and for next week!

  • Tomorrow students can purchase popcorn for $1. 
  • Next week on Thursday we will be having a Shrove Tuesday pancake breakfast. We only go two classes at a time, so we could be going anytime between 9am and noon.
  • Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we will be attending Mass. We will not be doing a bun lunch this year, but please help your child participate in the day by refraining from sending treats in their lunch. Also note that Hot lunch has been rescheduled from this day to February 17, in keeping with the day.
Important dates for First Communion:
  • Parent meeting tomorrow at 7pm. We will be in the Parish Center
  • First Communion Retreat for both parents and kids on Saturday, April 2nd. This will be from 9am-noon.
  • No evening rehearsal, as we will practice during the day at school
  • First Communion on Sunday, April 24th at 2pm.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Week 19

Weekly Reminders:

  • No spelling this week because of our 3 day school week
  • Tomorrow is wacky hair day!
  • Wednesday is wacky shoe/sock day! 
  • On Wednesday there is a First Communion parent meeting at 7pm. Please let me know if you are unable to attend. 
  • Remember no school on Thursday and Friday