Monday, 30 November 2015

Week 13


  • Reconciliation Parent Meeting on Thursday at 6:30 pm. I look forward to seeing the Grade two parents at this meeting!
  • Hot Lunch on Wednesday
  • Food Bank Mass on Friday
Spelling this week:
G1: ring, wing, sing, ding, bring,thing, sting, spring, string, shopping
G2: dock, lock, sock, flock, block, clock, shock, stocking, knock, unlock

Monday, 23 November 2015

Week 12


  • Wednesday is Report Card Day!
  • Thursday evening and Friday morning are 3-way conferences. Please have your child wear their uniforms. If you have not received your confirmed time (they were sent home with the oldest), please let me know and I can give that time to you.
  • There is a used book sale on Thursday. Books will be priced from 25c-$2 and students can buy them during recess. 
  • The Knights of Columbus are doing a CCS Shopping Challenge - Christmas edition. They will be selling gift cards after Mass, which can be great for Christmas gifts! The class who buys the most will win a prize and more importantly we make money for our school.
  • The Parish Bazaar is this weekend. If you would like to purchase your child's craft, please send in the form, with the money attached by Wednesday, November 25th. 
Weekly Work
  • Spelling test on Thursday
  • Grade 1 - bash, cash, dash, gash, clash, flash, splash, trash, crash, smash
  • Grade 2 - best, pest, vest, chest, crest, quest, arrest, guest, honest, testing

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

50th day of school

We are having lots of non-uniform days this week! Tomorrow is our sports jersey day and Friday we are having a 50's day. "Fifties Day" is a Kindergarten and Grade One event, so the Grades Ones will be dressing up, as well as participating in activities along with the K class and the other Grade Ones. Since it is nice to celebrate things as a class, the Grade Twos will be allowed to also dress up, but will be doing different activities during the day. You should see a note in your child's backpack today.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Week 11


  • Grade two parents, please make sure you have marked down the dates I posted last week for a parent meeting and First Confession.
  • Wednesday is Hot Lunch
  • Wednesday is also a non-uniform day (sport/jersey day)
  • Please send in 3 way conference forms. We will be scheduling them on Wednesday.

Spelling Words

Grade 1: dub, hub, sub, tub, rub, club, grub stub, shrub, scrub

Grade 2: back, pack, sack, black, quack, whack, shack, crack, jacket, racket

Monday, 9 November 2015

Week 10


  • We have a Remembrance Day Assembly tomorrow. Students may bring in a $1 for purchasing a poppy.
  • No school on Wednesday
  • The Grade Ones brought home Home Reading for the week. Please read the information and if you have any questions please feel free to come ask me. 
  • We have scheduled the First Confession Parent Meeting for Thursday, December 3rd at 6:30 pm. Grade Two parents please mark your calendar as this is an important meeting.
  • First Confession is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13th at 10:00 am. 
Weekly Work
  • In Math, we continue to work on patterns. The Grade ones are working on naming patterns (AAB), and the Grade two students are now working on figuring out the rule for growing patterns (3, 6, 9, 12, 15). 
  • We are working on focusing our writing, so that we are expanding on one idea. We use 'binoculars' to help us find that one idea.
  • In Religion the Grade ones are learning about the different Liturgical seasons. The Grade twos have now started their preparation for First Reconciliation and are learning about what sin is. 

Spelling Words - November 9, 2015

Grade 1: red, bed, led, fed, sled, shed, fled, sped, shred, pedal

Grade 2: bell, cell, yell, smell, shell, dwell, spell, swell, yellow, bellow

Friday, 6 November 2015

Volunteers Needed

The Grade 2 students are making their Christmas craft on Monday, November 9th. If you would like to help out they are starting at 10:45.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Week 9


  • We are collecting candy to send to AGAPE street ministries. If you would like to send some, that would be greatly appreciated. 
  • Hot lunch on Wednesday
  • Food Bank Mass on Friday
  • With the colder and wetter weather, please make sure to send your child with appropriate clothing. We will be going outside if it is lightly raining.

Spelling words

Grade 1: pin, win, bin, din, fin, chin, shin, thin, skin, rinse

Grade 2: bill, hill, dill, chill, drill, quill, thrill, twill, pillow, village